2 Months and counting, yup that's how long it's been since I last sat down to blog. So much has happened in our lives since then. We have now welcomed our 3rd biological child into the world. Liliana Willa Maxson was born November 16th 2010 at 10:15am weighing in at 8lbs 1oz. Had to be the best labour ever, even better then the c-section I had with Ava. It was a quick 6 hours from start to finish. Too bad it's the last born from this uterus.lol Every time you have the experience of welcoming a true gift from God like our children you feel the blessing of having a healthy baby. While in the hospital I had the blessing of sharing a room with a fellow chiristian Woman who had such a beautiful look on Life itself. Her son had been born 4 weeks early and was struggling just to breath on his own and she continued to pull out everything and anything positive from the situation. We had many talks about the blessings god has given us and how he has led us through our lives to that very moment. It was a amazing reminder as to how forunate we are that God has given us the freedom of choice to love him and to have him in our lives each and everyday. There has been many times that I feel estranged from my relationship with him yet everytime I turn back to him he welcomes me with open arms and peace. So now that our once family of 4 has quickly turned into a family of 7 there are many times not only throughout the week but throughout the day I take a moment too look around and see how great my God has been to me. To see how much he loves me and I know he loves each and every person reading this. I truly hope and pray that I continue to put my self aside and allow him to lead my life as a mother, wife and servent of him. To do his will so that more people out there can experince his love and grace. Well and I do ocasionally ask him to help our little Lily sleep through the night so mommy doesn't pull her own hair out. I do have 5 kids now. lol.
Emme turns 8!
10 years ago